Month: February 2019

To Court a Queen Blog Tour

I am so excited to have the amazing and talented H. L. Burke here with us today to talk about her newest release, To Court a Queen. I had the honor of designing her cover for this book, and I may be biased, but I think it’s delightful, and I already know the story beneath this cover… Read more »

February is Fantasy Month Blog Tag

Welcome to the February is Fantasy Month 2019 Tag, put together by Jenelle Leanne Schmidt! Thanks for tagging me, Jenelle! This looks like fun!! I’m going to dive right in and answer some of these fun questions and at the very end I’ll tag some of you to participate.  What is your favorite fantasy book? … Read more »

Cover Reveal for This Cursed Flame

I am very excited to be participating in Selina J. Eckert’s cover reveal for her new series, This Curse. I also had the honor of designing the cover for This Cursed Flame, the first book in this amazing series about genies and djinns and science nerds. It truly sounds amazing. Blurb: Six years ago, Janan… Read more »