Cover Reveal for This Cursed Flame

I am very excited to be participating in Selina J. Eckert’s cover reveal for her new series, This Curse. I also had the honor of designing the cover for This Cursed Flame, the first book in this amazing series about genies and djinns and science nerds. It truly sounds amazing.

this cursed flame_internet useBlurb:

Six years ago, Janan was ripped from her home, her school, and her humanity by the malicious Ahriman, a domineering djinn who transformed her into a genie. Now, after spending those years on the run, she finds herself at the center of a djinn uprising led by none other than Ahriman himself, who wants nothing more than to silence her threat to his power. Permanently.

As his creation, Janan is the one thing that stands in his way, but she can’t stop him alone.

Laurelin, high school science nerd, discovers a crystal bottle, dragging her along on an adventure she never wanted. Now she finds herself surrounded by the mysteries of an ancient order of djinn. If she can decipher their creations, and combat her own doubts and anger, she could help turn the tide of this uprising.

When the two girls are thrown together, they must learn to cooperate and trust each other, and themselves, if they are to have any hope of survival. Otherwise, the human and djinn realms will both fall to the tide of death and dark magic this revolt will unleash.

Doesn’t this sound fabulous? I agree! It totally does!

Be sure to add This Cursed Flame on Goodreads!

You can also sign up for Selina’s Paper Cranes newsletter HERE if you’d like to know about  her new releases.

profile photo 400x400About the Author:

Selina is a biologist by day, writer by night native of Pennsylvania. She lives with her husband, dog, and two cats and spends her time writing, reading, creating art, and dreaming about fictional worlds. Besides writing and sciencing, Selina also runs an author support business, Paper Cranes, LLC, that provides editing, consulting, and mapmaking services to authors, writers, and students. She has written two fairy-tale retelling short stories that were both finalists in Rooglewood Press short story contests and an exclusive fantasy short story, “Queen of Mist and Fog,” available through her newsletter. This Cursed Flame is her first novel.

Selina can be found online on TwitterTumblrFacebook, her blog, and through her email newsletter.